Cinema City at the Street Musicians Festival: A Cinema Under the Starry Sky Over the Suburbium

An open-air cinema set in the unique atmosphere of the Suburbium of Petrovaradin Fortress will be a special treat at this year’s Street Musicians Festival. For the first time, visitors of the Festival will have a chance to see some of the hits from the Cinema City international film festival, which is traditionally held in Novi Sad by the end of every June.
The open-air cinema will be located near the Gunpowder Mill “Josif” in Petrovaradin, directly after the Belgrade Gate, while the entrance will be free. This original addition to this year’s Street Musicians Festival is modeled on Cinema City’s Open Air cinemas. The film program will be held on Friday and Saturday, 2nd and 3rd September, with shows starting from 21h (9 PM) and 23h (11 PM), while the entire selection and production process of the cinema is left to Cinema City’s festivalorganizational team.
The cooperation between Novi Sad’s two most respectable art events, festivals Cinema City and Street Musicians Festival, is based on their similar tendencies to, through culture, revitalize parts of the city which possess the urban spirit, tradition and potential to be better utilized in the future. Thus, Cinema City, held in Novi Sad since 2008, was relocated during the last couple of seasons to a new location, China Town and Liman Park. This proved to be a beneficial decision for the festival’s concept, based on an unusual film program and the promotion of young authors from Serbia, region and the world. At this year’s, ninth edition of the Cinema City film festival, among other featured films, was the documentary by Nemanja Babić “Don’t Pull the Shades Down”, which, as it just so happens, tackles the topic of the Street Musicians Festival.
The program and timetable for the films featured at the Street Musicians Festival:
Friday 21h The Tale of the Wall Habitants (orig. Priča o stanovnicima zida), by Andrej Boka, and Boye: The First Real Female Sound (orig. Boye: Prvi pravi ženski zvuk), by Brankica Drašković
23h Cinema komunisto, by Mila Turajlić
Saturday 21h At Home (orig. Kod kuće), by Nenad Mikalački and
My craft (orig. Moj zanat), by Mladen Matičević
23h Second Line (orig. Druga linija), by Nenad Milošević