Arlekin (Skopje/Macedonia)

The combination of clown shenanigans and skillful juggling are hardly ever overlooked at the Street Musicians Festival, especially when the numerous visitors are made up of younger generations. Arlekin is preparing exactly a show like that for the Suburbium. So, who likes this sort of performance should definitelyprepare themselves, for this artists values interaction and cooperation above all else!
Active since 1999, Darko Đurčinovski is a professional juggler and entertainer with enormous experience in all the branches of show business, from films and theatre performances, through corporate parties, to festivals and performances at streets and squares. The show that he brings to our Gradić offers loads of juggling acts on various objects, such as balls, cones, hula-hoops and glasses, with which he usually creates a truly entertaining grand finale, causing complete and utter amazement all across the crowd.