Cigo One Man Band (Pula/Croatia)

A one man band is an all too common sight, always equally sweet and an irresistible delicacy of any festival featuring street art. But, when this respected musician, with an entire drum kit on his back, and a guitar in his hands, also plays the harmonica, kazoo and other various wind instruments, rattles and bells, and on top of everything sings as well, this delicacy becomes the sweetest cake of them all, and not just that, but with whip cream and a cherry to top it all off…
Mileta Cvijanović Cile is a master of street entertainment, born in Pula, he currently resides in Rijeka where he wholeheartedly entertains passersby in the pedestrian zone. However, during the festival season he is ever-present at all relevant gatherings of this art form across Europe, and even all the way to distant India. Recognizable for his consistent movement and unusual dance, his red umbrella, and at least a dozen various sounds he creates each single moment, come September Cigo Man will in great measure add to the romantic and comic color of the Suburbium…