Deep Steady (Novi Sad/Serbia)

Youth, vigor, and enthusiasm, but also immense musical talent and experience, characterize the band from Novi Sad Deep Steady, who nurture their own version of the Jamaican-British ska genre. Dedicated mainly to Festival visitors who are in search of a corner for a modern urban party, this quintet will fit great into the general turmoil which is brewing for the first weekend of September in the Suburbium.
Although ska is at the margins of popularity in the world, Novi Sad’s scene from the 90s raised an entire generation of musicians and fans of the checkered, quick reggae fused with punk. Reminiscence of the work done by bands like Lost Propelleros and Ringišpil are visible to this day, while the cream of that crop found its spot within the current lineup of Deep Steady. So, let’s listen…