Human Jukebox (Swansea/Great Britain)

The only human jukebox machine in the world will serve as an ideal source of fun and entertainment to all visitors of the Suburbium, in a DIY sort of way. All you will need to do is choose a song, and as per usual put a coin in to start the music, with the small modification of the gramophone within the box being replaced by – a DJ in complete control over the sound and light effects.
Human jukebox is the artistic and conceptual project glorifying pop music, and the human contribution to it. Based on the previous, more radical version of the same idea, in which an entire band was placed into a mini cabin, the size of a bathroom, this jukebox facilitates a DJ who plays music at “a push of a button”. The idea of inventor and musician, Wales’ Joseph Furlong, has been adapted to newer generations, so the glamorously redesigned plastic porta potty now accommodates performances bytwo generations of DJ artists from his family. The setlist includes tracks from the most diverse genres and eras, and all that remains to “rock’n’roll” is to pop in a coin, listen to the beat, and dance to the Human Jukebox machine.