Life on the High Horse (Novi Sad/Serbia)

The circus play “Život na visokoj nozi” (Life on the High Horse) by Ludifico theatre will be performed at the Army playground on friday from 21h (9:00 PM), as a part of project “Initiate Change, Be the Change!” realized in partnership with the Association Scenatoria, as part of the program of this year’s Street Musicians Festival beneath Petrovaradin Fortress. The play is about a story of separation, giving, taking, complexes, social layers, and the relationship among men and women, told through gag comedy with the help of circus arts, such as trapeze acts, silk acrobatics, object manipulation, and similar techniques.
The actors in a satirical fashion present the first day on the job of a house keeper, who in order to keeps his jobs introduces himself as a woman. Director of this play is Sonja Petrović, and actors are Mira Beba Dobrković, Tanja Milanović and Dimitrije Aranđelović.