Mina Momčilović (Novi Sad/Serbia)

The romantic sounds of the harp were made for the warm, late summer evenings at our Gradić, beneath Petrovaradin Fortress. Artist and harp player,Mina Momčilović will lead the visitors of the Street Musicians Festival on unique musical journey through the Renaissance and Classical Era, finally hitting the crescendo with jazz improves, as the usual backbone of all her performances.
The young musician from a respectable artistic family was in her time the first graduate from the Music School “Isidor Bajić” on harp, what she also experienced during her studies at the Academy of Art in Novi Sad. Numerous concerts in various contexts ensued, including significant awards, which mark her individual career to this date, as well as her orchestral performances with the Serbian National Theatre, Vojvodina’s Symphonic Musicians and the Montenegro Philharmonic. Until now she has released an album titled “Classical Music for Children” (orig. Klasična muzika za decu) in partnership with the College of Professional Studies for the education of teachers in Novi Sad. Currently, she is working as the harp professor at the Music School “Isidor Bajić”, as well as a professional consultant for harp at the Academy of Art.