Ne spuštaj roletne (Novi Sad/Serbia)

The current project “Ne spuštaj roletne” (Eng. Don’t Roll the Blinds Down) by the Informal Citizens’ Association Busybeesns has a major role in the efforts of revitalizing the run-down Suburbium of Petrovaradin, which is, at the same time, one of the great ideas of this year’s Street Musicians Festivals. The relocation of this event into this environment is in direct link with the efforts of the association, while the culmination of the project coincides exactly with the Festival itself.
“Ne spuštaj roletne” is a project based on “green” ideas, and in the spirit of contributing to the environment of our Gradić and its return to the modern times, it has had a fall out with. The goal of the project is to humanize that space by introducing artistic installations made from flowers and plants, as well as through a creative decoration of public spaces, balconies and windows, which the residents beneath Petrovaradin Fortress will realize together with artists. The desire of the project’s creators is for the visitors of Suburbium during the Festival, and in general, to notice the beauty of floral sculptures and other artistic installations, thus becoming aware of the numerous hidden potentials which this part of the city has. The project also includes students of stage design from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, as well as landscape architecture students from the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, whose most successful works will be realized on site. As the greatest value behind this project, the authors highlight their strive to create a community of citizens whose spirit has left the Suburbium, and through their networking, mutual care about the environment and a continuation of dialogue secure a future for this beautiful, but insufficiently exploited part of the city.