VJ Suave (Sao Paolo/Brazil)

Traditionally preceding every opening of the Street Musicians Festival, the ceremonial procession will this year be led by the artistic duo from Brazil – VJ Suave. This bicycle duet and their video projector will lead the citizens of Novi Sad from Modena Street to the new festival location at Petrovaradin’s Suburbium, stopping along the way to showcase their creativity and imagination on the surrounding facades, and, thus, symbolically mark the Festival’s new “change of address”.
Created in 2009, after his successful urban intervention Mais amor por favor (My Love For You), VJ Suave is the project by visual artist Igor Marot, in response to the social inequality and street violence in a megalopolis, like Sao Paolo. Together with his partner Ceci Soloaga, he has since then made four big multimedia projects, visiting cities, as well as music and film festivals around the world. The duo use a tagtool app for their choice, and animation of drawings, a video projector of 20,000 lumens, and music, to create one of the most exciting imaginary worlds, and then, in front of visitors, make it come alive. The essence of this audio-visual installation is the interaction between drawings and spectators, who, thus, directly participate in the creation of an unforgettable artistic experience, which is the main idea behind street art, overall. VJ Suave’s spectacle will begin on 1st September in Novi Sad with the first sign of twilight, while the gathering has been scheduled for 19:30 (7:30 PM).