Jules Verne’s Illuminations (Novi Sad/Serbia)

An exhibition of artistic lanterns titled “Žilvernovske iluminacije”(Jules Verne’s Illuminations) will be opened on 2nd and 3rd September at Ramp Road beneath Petrovaradin Fortress, during this year’s Street Musicians Festival at the Suburbium. The picturesque display is a work by the Association for Informal Education “Žil Vern” (Jules Verne) from Novi Sad, which has for three years now successfully organized the autumn lantern festival under the same name in our city.
Artistic lanterns in all shapes imaginable, which will be displayed at the Festival, are created in cooperation with young artists and Novi Sad’s school children, under the patronage of the Association, which also promotes Francophone culture and French language in Serbia by working with the youngest generations. Beside the processions of lanterns, this organization also arranges evening programs of intercultural exchange, theatre shows, promotions, and intercultural educational workshops on the topic of fighting racism, xenophobia, and stereotypes in society.